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Rely on the Advanced Energy Insulation Building Science Experts

Nobody understands the science of building better than Advanced Energy Insulation. If you want to create a thermally efficient and air tight space, it's not enough just to insulate. You must choose the right insulation and air sealing system for the application, and be sure it's properly installed.

Spray Foam Insulation in the Attic (Non-Vented Attic Spaces)

In this application, considered the most effective, by most of the SPF industry, the foam is sprayed directly to the underside of the roof between the joists, down around the rim and into the soffit areas, on the gable wall ends, and effectively sealing off and insulating the entire attic space from any air infiltration.

By now you have probably heard of this procedure with terms like: "Hot Roof design", Unvented Attic, Conditioned Attic, or "The Insulated Envelope."

We at Advanced Energy Insulation use the term "Unvented Attic."

Energy Savings

A vented attic situation will become approximately 130-140 degrees in the summer. There's no reason for your air-conditioning and vent-ductwork to have to work in that type of severe conditions. There is also opportunity for moisture to form due to condensation on these appliances

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A Crash Course in Roof Venting Read PDF

By applying spray foam directly to the underside of the roof deck, it now insulates the attic space from the extreme heat that once radiated thorough the hot shingles sheathing and roof. The severe temperatures no longer exist in the attic. In short, the attic now becomes a passively "conditioned" space of the house that is just as comfortable as any other room in the home.

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Spray Foam Benefits - by Craig DeWitt, Ph.D., PE Read PDF

A roof system insulated with Advanced Energy Insulation spray foam reduces energy several ways. Energy loss from ducts located in the attic is essentially eliminated. The top of the building is much tighter resulting in less infiltration and exfiltration, so excess moisture isn't pulled into the attic. Infiltration through the ceiling is also reduced. In addition, the attic temperature is remarkably lower, which further reduces energy loads.

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Open Cell vs. Closed Cell Spray Foam - Learning the Difference Read PDF

Conduction, Convection and Radiant Heat Transfer

In a standard insulation system, ceiling insulation reduces the transfer of heat from the attic to the living space (in the summer). Attic temperatures can often approach 140 degrees or more during the day. Most of this heat enters the attic space through a multi-step process.

First, solar energy warms the shingles and sheathing. The hot sheathing then transfers heat to the rest of the attic through conduction, convection and radiant heat transfer. The 140 degree temperature of the underside roof surface drives the heat transfer process that pulls air in from all the openings in a house. And that cost you a lot of money.

Standard HomeVented attic graphic showing the natural convection process that allows air to be 'pulled' up through the house and escaping outside.

By having Advanced Energy Insulation insulate the roof surface with spray foam, the surface temperature exposed to the attic (the temperature driving the heat transfer) is reduced by as much as 40 degrees.

Both conduction and convection heat transfer are proportional to a temperature difference, so that heat transfer will be reduced proportional to the drop in surface temperature.

Sealing the attic is the single most cost-effective solution for lower energy bills and a comfortable home.

Unvented Attic SystemUnvented attic graphic showing an insulation roof deck and air tight attic that does not allow air to escape the building.

The benefits of including the attic in the insulated space are:

  • Duct leakage and heat loss/gain from ducts is much less of an issue
  • Air sealing is easier in the roof than in the ceiling
  • Tests show energy costs are observably lower when the attic is sealed
  • "Stack effect" from wind pressures is eliminated
  • Dust and loose insulation are less likely to migrate down to the living space.

Building Science Experts

Nobody understands the science of building better than Advanced Energy Insulation.

If you want to build a thermally efficient and air tight home, it's not enough just to insulate. You must choose the right insulation and air sealing system for the application, and be sure it's properly installed.

Did you know that an improperly insulated and sealed home delivers 4500 lbs. of excess greenhouse gases into the air each year? It can also waste 20 percent or more of the energy used to heat and cool the home.

Our Building Science experts understand the principles of heat, air and moisture flow, and how the building envelope interacts with a building's mechanical systems as well as its occupants.

N.A.S.A. applied one-inch of spray-on foam insulation on the Space Shuttle's External Tank that serves to insulate the tank. The closed-cell foam used on the tank was developed to keep the Shuttle's liquid hydrogen fuel at minus 423 degrees Fahrenheit and the liquid oxygen tank at near minus 297 degrees Fahrenheit even as the tank sits under the hot Florida sun while preventing a buildup of ice on the outside of the tank.

Properly insulating and sealing your homes with Spray Foam is a greener alternative. .

We can help you in specifying the right insulation system for our local climate. Contact our Building Science experts with your inquiries at (404) 218-3576.

TAP to expand the Better Building Performance - Theory vs. Practice section

Why Choose Us?

  • Constant Owner interaction means no project manager or multiple people trying to make decisions.
  • The highest quality products and with many small details that often go unnoticed by other contractors, let's take your insulation project to the next level.
  • Quality Control. The owner is hands on throughout the project, if any problems or issues arise they can be dealt with immediately.
  • Nonstop communication - The key to the success of your project is good communication. And, a big part of communication is listening. From the beginning of a project to its end, our company places a high priority on listening - to you, your needs and wishes.
  • Solid Science - Our Building Science experts understand the principles of heat, air and moisture flow, and how the building envelope interacts with a building's mechanical systems as well as its occupants.

"Everything is designed, but some things are designed well."